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Terms & Conditions

These Terms & Conditions are entered into between the User (hereinafter referred to as “User”, “you” or “your”) and GXB Capital RAIF V.C.I.C. LTD (hereinafter “GXB Capital”, “us”, “our” and “we”). By accessing or using this website, you agree that you have read, understood, and accepted the Terms and Conditions included in these Terms & Conditions as well as our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with our present Terms & Conditions, you should not use our website.

By using this website, you acknowledge and agree that you are aware of the risks associated with any investment referred to on this website, including the risk of losing your entire invested capital. Any forecast, projection, or target is indicative only and is not guaranteed in any way. You also acknowledge and agree that GXB Capital shall not be held liable for such risks or adverse outcomes and we accept no liability for any failure to meet such forecast, projection, or target.

1. Definitions
    1.1. GXB Capital is a Registered Alternative Investment Fund, incorporated in Cyprus with registration number HE 436688, and with a   
           registered address of 12 Dimostheni Severi, 6th Floor, Office 601, 1080 Nicosia, Cyprus.
    1.2. User is every individual or legal person that accesses, downloads, interacts, or uses the website and its content.
    1.3. Property means assets of any kind, whether corporeal or incorporeal, movable or immovable, tangible or intangible, and legal
           documents or instruments in any form, including electronic or digital, evidencing title to or an interest in such assets.

2. Declarations & Basic Information
    2.1. The User understands and acknowledges that GXB Capital does not in any manner contain information on this website that
           constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer by GXB Capital or any third parties to buy or sell any asset,
           cryptocurrency or other financial instruments. The User also acknowledges that GXB Capital’s affiliates do not provide any
           investment recommendation in connection with the Website’s operation, nor do they give any advice or offer or any opinion with
           respect to the suitability, profitability or appropriateness regarding any investment, property or cryptocurrency. The User is
           responsible for determining whether an investment strategy is suitable for him/her.
    2.2. The User should consult with an attorney, financial advisor, or other investment professionals to determine what may be best for his
           or her individual needs. GXB Capital does not make any guarantee or other promises as to any results that may be obtained from
           using its website or its content.
    2.3. To the maximum extent permitted by law, GXB Capital disclaims any and all liabilities in the event any information, commentary,
           analysis, opinion and/or recommendation contained in the website prove to be inaccurate, incomplete or unreliable or results in                    any investment or other losses for the User. In general, the User’s use of the information on the website or materials linked from the
            website is at his or her own risk and we strongly advise you to give special attention to possible volatile characteristics of the
            market concerned, the regulatory updates, and all the information provided by us or other websites, since most of the articles on
            various industries are not verified for the truthfulness and accurateness of the information provided and it is very difficult sometimes
            to distinguish an informative from a provocative article. Please, proceed with care and common sense.
     2.4. GXB Capital may occasionally and at its sole discretion change the Terms & Conditions of its present website.


3. Website Usage Guidelines
    3.1. You are prohibited to use our website, including any of its content, for resale or commercial purposes, including transactions on
           behalf of other persons or entities. These actions are expressly prohibited and constitute a material violation of these Terms &
           Conditions. The content layout, format, function, and access rights to this website should be stipulated in the discretion of GXB
           Capital. GXB Capital reserves all rights, including those not expressly granted in these Terms & Conditions.
    3.2. GXB Capital grants you permission to use this website for non-commercial use. Other use, reproduction, copying, duplication or
           distribution of this website or its contents without prior written permission from GXB Capital is prohibited.
    3.3. GXB Capital owns any feedback, suggestions, ideas, or other information or materials (hereinafter collectively referred to as
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    3.4. Without prior written consent from GXB Capital, you may not modify, replicate, duplicate, copy, download, store, further transmit,
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            3.5.5. take any actions that impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the infrastructure of our systems or
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     3.6. By accessing our website, you agree that we have the right to investigate any violation of these Terms & Conditions,
            unilaterally determine whether you have violated these Terms & Conditions, and take actions under relevant regulations
            without your consent and with or without prior notice to you.

4. Intellectual Property
    4.1. Without prejudice to the intellectual property rights of third parties used or referred to in this website, this website, along with all
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           Owner and/or operators and/or members, and/or parent companies, and/or licensors or affiliates.
    4.2. Unless otherwise expressly provided for, all logos, graphics, animations, texts and other content, including functionality, distribution
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    4.3. The User is entitled to use the works within the scope of permitted private use provided by legal provisions.
    4.4. Use beyond the permitted private use requires the prior consent of GXB Capital.

5. Liabilities & Disclaimers
    5.1. To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, GXB Capital disclaims all warranties for the content and functionality of this
           website and you agree that all content and functionality are provided to the highest efficiency possible and “as is” or “as available”
           and GXB Capital is not bound by any other oral or written statement or agreement or gesture or practice or standard “doing of
           business”, but only by the provisions described in the present Terms & Conditions with which the User has agreed and undergone a
           contractual agreement. Thus, GXB Capital disclaims any and all other warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including,
           without limitation, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-infringement or warranties arising from
           a course of performance, course of dealing or usage in trade and you waive any such claim against GXB Capital, its managers,
           administrators, directors, shareholders, officers, employees, agents, attorneys, service providers and representatives.

    5.2. You acknowledge that the website and its content may be susceptible to errors, software malwares, third-party dysfunctions and
           other inaccuracies concerning the information or statements provided by GXB Capital. Thus, you are being advised to carefully
           facilitate your own research and reading, and acknowledge that the access to the website and its content is done with your absolute
           discretion and at your own risk.
    5.3. You hereby understand and agree that GXB Capital, its managers, administrators, directors, shareholders, officers, employees,
           agents, attorneys, service providers and representatives shall not be liable for any damages, losses or expenses, of you, whether     
           direct, indirect, special, punitive, exemplary, incidental or consequential, arising out or related to the use of this website and its
    5.4. The User undertakes to indemnify GXB Capital, its managers, administrators, directors, shareholders, officers, employees, agents,
           attorneys, service providers and representatives from all claims and to repair any damage (including the costs of legal assistance,
           any fines, fees or penalties imposed by any state authorities) resulting from or related to the User’s violation of these Terms &
           Conditions or infringement of legal provisions or rights of third parties.
    5.5. GXB Capital shall not be liable for any actions or consequences of force majeure, i.e. for events beyond our reasonable control
           which occurred without our fault, including, but not limited to: embargoes, governmental restrictions, riots, insurrection, wars or
           other acts of war, acts of terror, social unrest, rebellion, hacking attacks (including DDoS attacks, data theft or destruction), fires,
           floods, vandalism or sabotage, Pandemics, governmental restrictions or lock-downs.
    5.6. GXB Capital shall exercise the utmost care in order to protect the website and its content against undesirable interference by third
           parties or software malwares.

6. Personal Data and Privacy Policy
The principles of personal data processing by GXB Capital and regulations concerning the Privacy Policy and Cookies are contained in the Privacy Policy published on the website.

7. Jurisdiction & Applicable Law
    7.1. These Terms & Conditions are governed by the laws of the Republic of Cyprus without reference to the principles of conflicts of laws
    7.2. Any dispute arising from these Terms & Conditions shall be resolved exclusively in the courts of the Republic of Cyprus.

8. Miscellaneous
    8.1. Entire Agreement. These Terms & Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the parties regarding the access and use of
    this website and its content and will supersede all or any prior written or oral statements or agreements between the parties.
    8.2. Interpretation and Revision. We reserve the right to alter, revise, modify, and/or change these Terms & Conditions at any time. All
    changes will take effect immediately upon being published on our website. It is your responsibility to regularly check relevant pages on
    our website to confirm the latest version of these Terms & Conditions. If you do not agree to any such modifications, your only remedy is
    to terminate your usage of our website.
    8.3. Severability. If any portion of these Terms & Conditions is held invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or enforceability will not
    affect the other provisions of these Terms & Conditions, which will remain in full force and effect, and the invalid or unenforceable
    portion will be given effect to the greatest extent possible.
    8.4. Third-Party Website Disclaimer. Any links to third-party websites from our website does not imply endorsement by us of any
    product, service, information or disclaimer presented therein, nor do we guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on them.
    If you suffer loss from using such third-party product and service, we will not be liable for such loss. In addition, since GXB Capital has
    no control over the terms of use or privacy policies of third-party websites, you should read and understand those policies carefully.


    Latest Update: 5 June 2023

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Important Information

GXB Capital RAIF V.C.I.C. LTD ("GXB Capital") is a Registered Alternative Investment Fund, licensed and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission, under license number RAIF128/2022. GXB Capital operates under the passporting rights granted by European Union (EU) directives and adheres strictly to the guidelines set out by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). The fund is accessible solely to professional and well-informed investors who understand and are prepared to accept the inherent risks associated with investing in volatile and complex markets such as emerging markets, disruptive technology, and infrastructure assets.

Before committing to an investment, potential investors are urged to thoroughly examine the fund's investment objectives, risk factors, fees, and expenses. This and additional key information can be found in GXB Capital's private placement memorandum, available upon request from GXB Capital. All prospective investors are encouraged to review these documents diligently to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the potential risks and rewards associated with investing in GXB Capital.

Investing in GXB Capital is speculative and carries substantial risk, including the possibility of a total or partial loss of investment capital. The shares of GXB Capital are structured to reflect the price of the underlying assets held by the fund, less the fund’s expenses and other liabilities. As such, GXB Capital may not be suitable for investors who are unable to withstand a total loss of their investment. The information and content provided on this platform are purely for illustrative, educational, or informational purposes and should not be interpreted as investment advice. Investors are advised to seek independent professional advice that is tailored to their personal investment objectives and financial circumstances. The shares of GXB Capital are subject to limitations on resales and transfers in accordance with applicable EU and national regulations. Potential investors are advised to carefully consider the long-term nature of an investment in GXB Capital, as well as the possibility of restrictions on their ability to resell or transfer their shares, before making an investment decision. Please note that your use of this platform and any reliance upon the information provided is at your own risk. The platform may contain translations powered by Google. Google disclaims all warranties related to these translations, express or implied, including any warranties of accuracy, reliability, and any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.

© 2023 GXB Capital RAIF V.C.I.C. LTD. All rights reserved.All logos, graphics, icons, trademarks, service marks, and headers associated with GXB Capital are registered and unregistered trademarks of GXB Capital in Cyprus. By using this platform, you acknowledge and agree to this disclaimer and accept the inherent risks of investing. If you do not agree with these terms, you are advised not to use this platform.

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